Gifts for the bride

Your friend or family member is getting married, do you want to give her something special but don't know what? Here are my tips to help you find a personal, unique and exciting gift.

I will start by recommending something very classic but always makes a great impression, such as a beautiful bouquet of flowers that, if created in the bride's favorite colors or the colors chosen for the wedding, can be even more appreciated. This gift may last even longer if dried, so it can be kept as a reminder of that special moment.

Another great classic can be a day at the spa (perfect if given before the big day to help her arrive relaxed at the altar), a massage or a specific treatment (this is always best given for post-wedding, it could always have a side effect)!

Another typical gift suitable for the occasion is definitely a piece of jewelry. Whether it is a light point to hang around the neck, earrings or a very fine bracelet, anything will do. An additional tip is to ascertain the girl's taste anyway to make sure she might like it.

The only thing to absolutely AVOID are pearls, as they are said to bring bad luck to the couple when given as gifts for one's big day.... And we don't want that, do we?

One gift that is now beginning to be popular and is something TOTALLY unique is to give a LIVE PAINTING gift. This consists of calling an artist who will create a painting of the couple during the wedding day. With this you will be sure that the couple will be pleasantly surprised and the effect will be unique, plus it will be an unforgettable gift that will be hung in the home and create an indelible memory.

Creation by artist Sara who you can find on instagram as: saraperonart

An evergreen is hair accessories. You can buy prefabricated ones or choose from the wide range of customizable hair accessories that you can find on my website. Here you will find hairpins, combs, headbands, headbands, bandanas and hats that, by starting a little in advance and talking to me, you can customize in shapes, materials and colors.

In this photo the Charlotte headband you can find on my website.

Another gift that is always much appreciated, also because it is bad luck to buy it for yourself, is the garter belt. You can also find this product on my website where you will have a wide choice of colors, shapes and textures. The important thing to do is definitely to match it with the type of dress. Remember that if the dress is wide they are all fine, on the other hand if it remains tight you should opt for less voluminous ones.

In this photo the Provenza garter you can find on my website.

Something very nice if personalized with a print or embroidery could be a T-shirt with initials, with the words "BRIDE" and "BRIDESMAID" for the respective persons, with nicknames or with something unique that speaks of the person in question.

Last unique tip that can be customized in a thousand ways are the Bridal Boxes that you can find on my website. The box can be made up with different 100% silk items as needed and can be customized by choosing the most suitable color and embroidery. This will be a gift that will stay forever and can also be used after the big day.

In this photo the Peony Bridal Box that you can find on my website along with the other Bridal Boxes in the Laura Fichera range.

Now all that remains is for you to choose!



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