Get know me better!

Laura Fichera, sitting on a stool next to a mannequin dressed in a white wedding dress with soft lines.
Laura Fichera as a child

Ever since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by the world of handicrafts, beautiful things and things that possess a unique and special history.

The feeling of creating a product with my own hands from someone's dreams and making it from raw materials chosen together is my passion and what makes me happy.

I am Laura Fichera, born in 1996 in Modena (Ita) and grown in a town not far away, where thanks to my carpenter grandparents I learned the beauty of craftsmanship.

From early on, I had the need to express my creativity through drawing, the materials around me and to sewing.


I then began to observe my grandmother while she was sewing or knitting.

Seeing her create objects from a few pieces of cloth or a ball of wool always fascinated me, I watched in admiration as she created unique and colorful things.

I then decided to enroll in the art high school in my hometown to try to recreate the same magic. Here I learned the basics of pattern making and sewing, giving everything a meaning and a why.

Laura fichera as she celebrates her graduation day.

Undergraduate studies

Realizing that all this could not be enough, I enrolled at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) in Milan, where for three years I immersed myself in creation and experimentation, trying to create for myself, even through new knowledge, a personal style.

During my junior year of college, I realized that the world of fast fashion was not for me, and I decided in my spare time to take a high-fashion embroidery course at the Pino Grasso Ricami school, where I learned the basics of Lunéville embroidery.

Laura Fichera on the Pont des Arts, in Paris.

La ville lumière!

After graduating and finishing the embroidery course, I decided I wanted to continue on this path, opting to move to Paris and begin the courses offered at Ecole Lésage. Here, starting from the basics already provided to me in Milan, I learned the most diverse and innovative techniques.

Once I finished this path, I decided to stay in the French capital and do an internship in a haute couture atelier, followed immediately by an internship in an embroidery design atelier.

Laura Fichera and Marie Berthouloux posing in front of the work Terrarium, embroidered with gold embroidery techniques.

In the latter, together with Marie Berthouloux, the head and hands behind Studio Ekceli, I realized that embroidery is only a medium and that one can experiment a great deal through the use of a wide variety of materials and techniques made available from antiquity.

In the atelier, I also learned the latter's specialty, namely "orfèvrerietextile,"orfèvrerietextile in Italian, a gold embroidery technique created through the use of cannetille and lame.

In 2020, Marie and I won the advanced training award made each year by the city of Paris, which allowed me to stay in the atelier for the duration of one year and learn not only the techniques but also the administrative part necessary for setting up an atelier.

Laura Fichera while designing a product, taking notes and drawing with watercolors, el her atelier.

The beginning of the dream...

At the end of this path, I decided to open my own atelier in which I create customizable accessories and handmade clothes, with attention to detail, to fabric, but most importantly, to the customer.

Because it is from the customer that I take inspiration and that drives me to want to create, based on their personality and tastes, unique products. All of my creations are hand-designed and every product that comes out of my atelier has been made by me with care and love.

Each piece of fabric or bead in the studio was carefully selected for a specific design, always keeping in mind that anything is possible and there is no right or wrong...

It is only imagination that sets the limits!