The colors to wear to a wedding!

Have you been invited to a wedding and don't know what color to choose for your look? Here is a comprehensive guide to help you choose from the thousands of colors and opt for the right one without looking obvious and out of place.

Let's start by saying that the first thing to look at before choosing any look is definitely whether the wedding will take place during the day or during the evening. You also need to make sure of the dress code and whether the bride and groom have already chosen a color that will define their big day.

If this is the case you have some guidelines that will help you (or put you in trouble in case they are not to your taste) in choosing the palettes for that day.

In case they have chosen a specific color (whether you like it or not), it would be very courteous of you to include even just one accessory that has that color, you can also opt for a dress with a print with the various shades of the color in question or a total look.

To be strictly avoided (unless explicitly requested by the couple) is absolutely white and all its shades (from optical to milk to cream!)! On that day of white dress there must be only and exclusively one, and on this, I am sorry, but I will not compromise! You would risk coming across as rude and disrespectful to the bride who (hopefully) will only have that one occasion to wear that color, so opt for a high color and don't steal her thunder!

Now we come to a color that divides the crowd, we are talking about the color black! Now, if you are classic people, particularly attached to tradition and bon ton... Then I would say don't even think about wearing it! But, since this is 2023, and unless you are people who are particularly opposed to this wedding, times have changed and we can even put aside the idea that it makes too much of a funeral! The thing I would recommend is (again unless you get different communications-in both directions-from the bride and groom) to combine black with other colors to downplay it a bit. Whether it's a polka dot dress, a colorful print with a black background, or a color block, I approve!

Also according to that little book that divides the masses called Etiquette, two other colors would be forbidden at a wedding: red and purple.

Red, which has always been a symbol of passion, is seen as too daring a color, used to attract the stares of the guests (and who knows, maybe even the groom), but in my opinion, unless you opt for a very (too) bright red, none of this is likely to happen. Obviously it is a very bright color, so my advice is to opt for a pastel red, a red tending toward pink, or a dark red such as burgundy.

For purple, however, the story is a different one, because superstition also comes into play here. It is now well known that the color purple, in many fields, is considered a color that brings bad luck, and, of course, marriage is no exception! So (again, unless the couple tells you otherwise), try to figure out whether it has real meaning for newlyweds or not. In case the answer is no, you can always opt for a lighter color, such as a burgundy, or its pastel version, i.e. lilac.

And now you may be wondering what colors you are actually allowed, and the answer is all (or almost all) of them! Because apart from white and purple (if banned) you can play with the whole range of pastel colors, the autumnal and warmer colors such as mustard and siena earth, cool colors such as blue, ice gray and light blue, and then move on to greens, whether dark, light or teal, and then finish with all shades of pink (including fuchsia). You can really indulge yourself, choosing according to what you prefer or according to the latest fashions of the moment!

And for accessories? There are two choices: opt for tone on tone or play with contrasts!

The key thing is to choose a maximum of 2 to 3 colors (no more I recommend!), in case it is a tone-on-tone match make sure that the color is really the same and in case you opt for contrasts, all the accessories should have the same shade (not to risk a Harlequin effect!)! If you have chosen a color that you struggle to match, I recommend opting for metallic colors: silver to match with cool colors and gold and bronze with warmer colors.

In the case of accessories you have no qualms, you can safely opt for black!

Laura Fichera


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