Accessories to add a romantic touch to your look!

February is the month of love par excellence, and this period (especially the 14th ) is dedicated to romance, love for yourself and others. If you are intent on adding a feminine and romantic touch to your look, here are some tips that you can adopt in everyday outfits for an extra touch of sweetness.

A bow in the hair

Just add a simple bow for everything to look more romantic, not only in your hair but in anything (believe me!). If you are a lover of hairstyles then you can add several small ones or you can put a big one (if necessary embroidered like the ones you can find on my website in different colors). They could be created in any kind of material, from velvet and wool for winter, to silk, linen and cotton for less cold times. What's more, they can also help add a bit of color to your look, for example if you choose to put one in contrast with your clothes. You just need to indulge yourself!

Hats for everyone

Another accessory (somewhat in disuse but that MUST be brought back in vogue) are precisely hats that with nothing add an extra touch making the person enigmatic, romantic and wrapped in an allure of yesteryear. You can opt for hand-embroidered berets (on my site you can find some with floral embroidery or small light stitches; they can be created in all colors) or have a wool beret embroidered for winter with a floral design or by creating a pattern of many little hearts (or whatever) making the accessory unique.

Socks make the look

These are very common accessories that we are all used to using and that you all surely know very well, but beware, I am not talking about simple and ordinary stockings, but stockings with special materials and unique embroideries. Stockings can be made of nylon, tulle and silk and we can embroider them with bows, pearls, flowers and much, much more, you just need to have the courage to invent it! On my website you can find stockings that may be right for you but of course they can be modified or custom made!

A headband instead of a crown

But the accessory that makes me personally feel most elegant and romantic is definitely the headband. It goes with everything and every occasion and can help us go from a mundane look to a unique and eye-catching look.

You can choose between a thin headband or a thicker, padded headband, you can find them with embroidery, workmanship or with different fabrics such as lace, wool or printed fabrics. On my site you can find some of them already embroidered and worked, but the nice thing is to be able to customize them and make them unique.

A box to hold the essentials

Accessory that is not seen but certainly essential and indispensable is lingerie! In fact, it is possible to feel more beautiful and charming just through lingerie! Of course, I can not fail to offer you the Boxes (bridal and non-bridal) in which you can find combinations of outfits, kimonos and masquerade. They are suitable for everyone, from the bride to a girl who simply wants to feel beautiful while wearing a 100% silk product. In fact they can be customized in color and of course in the writing on the back. You can opt to have your name, a word or a symbol dear to you embroidered! 

So here are my 5 tips to make your outfit romantic for this month and, really, for the whole year!



Floral accessories for the March bride: fresh flowers and spring accessories.


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